06762-286610    kvkdhenkanal.ouat@gmail.com


Farm Innovator

Paddy Straw Cutter

Situation/ factors that necessitated the development of innovation/ innovative practice : Average production of mushroom per day in Dhenkanal is 30 q.for which it occupies 2nd position in the state. Around 4,50,000 bundles of straw are to be cut and it is labour consuming and cumbersome process which compelled him to think in the direction of inventing straw cutting machine.

Description of innovation with practical utility: Mechanically operated straw cutting is operated by 2 nos of 0.5 HP motors to cut the bundles to desired side (2ft). This machine can cut 1500 bundles in one hour

Difficulty faced in implementing innovation/ innovative practices and further scope of improvement or refinement: It is time consuming so refinement is made for keeping the straw automatically in the machine.

Quantity the ease of innovation/ innovative practice: One labour could be able to cut 500 bundles per day where as by using the machine 1500 bundles can be cut in one hour.

Cost involved in developing the innovation: Rs. 18000/-

Profit made after implementing the innovation in field: By using this machine his able to save 0.35 rupees per bundle. Cost of production for 1 kg of mushroom decreases by Rs.4/-